Windows 10 popup window issue

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Windows 10 popup window issue

Postby DennisSmith » 16.05.2017 14:21:47

Having a bit of a strange problem on Windows 10.

I am using Desktop Preview, and have "Window Sketches" selected.

I am seeing the windows 10 Photos window and Settings window popping up
every hour or so. They just appear in one of the cells. They show in the preview cell,
but when I click on the cell they don't show on the screen until I click on the
cell sketch of that window -- in fact they show in the cell at first as minimized?

I then close the photo or settings window and they go away for a while.

If I turn OFF the "Windows Sketches" option and use "Icons" instead, they problem goes away.
This has been going on for some time now -- I don't THINK it was there when I first started using Windows 10
back in January 2016, but its possible I am just not remembering. My feeling is it started
at some point when some Windows 10 update.

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