Where on earth do I start?

Post any technical problems or questions you have while using or configuring Dexpot.
Jay Levitt
Posts: 3
Joined: 31.12.2007 21:50:12
Location: Boston, MA, USA

Where on earth do I start?

Postby Jay Levitt » 31.12.2007 21:54:09

Since there's no English documentation, and the English wiki has only three articles...

I'm sure I have a zillion questions about Dexpot, but most of them will be something like "OK, so what's this menu item mean? How about the next one? And the next one? What about the one below that?" I've been programming for 30 years, but using a complex program with no documentation, especially when words have been translated and may not carry their original meaning, is really hard!

For instance, "components" seem to be some sort of separate, well, component. You turn the whole thing on and off individually, and it has 30 or 40 settings, and I have no idea what components even are. (I mean, I know what the word means, but I don't know what it means in Dexpot.) Nobody's even mentioned them in the English forums yet. Are they Dexpot's equivalent of "plugins", maybe?

Is there any good tutorial, starting point, anything, other than trying every setting and seeing what it does? That could take a while.. Dexpot's pretty powerful :) But reviews have compared it very well to VirtuaWin, so I want to give it a shot.

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