Windows 10 issue for tabletpc switching to/from tablet mode

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Windows 10 issue for tabletpc switching to/from tablet mode

Postby cruzer » 20.08.2015 19:05:52

I'm having issues with app window resizing, from landscape to portrait. App window in portrait mode is a square/ half the screen. And for some reason when going from portrait mode and then landscape it likes to go back to desktop 1 if i'm on another desktop. All this is in tablet mode mind you. If i'm not in tablet mode all is working as expected for me. I was thinking if there was a script of some sort that I can run that will temp disable rules and/or gather all windows in one desktop. I've found if I turn off dexpot while in tablet mode, resizing windows is no issue and since there are no desktop no issue of going to another desktop while rotating. Thanks for any help that you can give if possible.

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