Monitor Orientation per VD

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Monitor Orientation per VD

Postby Munkee » 15.08.2012 19:57:29

Would there be a way to implement a different orientation per desktop selected?

Say I wanted to open and read a pdf book on VD3 set in portrait orientation, while VD1, VD2, and VD4 are still in landscape mode.

I know there are physical issues with switching the orientation that often, but there are things to make that easier.

I don't need the resolution changing ability, just the orientation switching.

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Re: Monitor Orientation per VD

Postby Patrick » 20.08.2012 15:04:17


If you have an ATI/AMD graphics card, it's possible using Catalyst profiles. Create two profiles in the Catalyst Control Center, one landscape and one portrait. Then add commands like this in "Configure Desktops > Start-Up" when entering/leaving the appropriate desktops:

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static\cli.exe" Start Load profilename="NameOfProfile"

For your example, load the portrait profile on every entry of Desktop 3 and the landscape profile on every exit of Desktop 3.

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