"Window Catalog" Feature Requests

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Joined: 02.03.2013 04:45:49

"Window Catalog" Feature Requests

Postby redpaper » 02.03.2013 05:03:15

I'd really like it if you added in option so that the "Window Catalog" wouldn't reorder the apps every time I use it. It currently sets whatever application is active to the top left always, which means when I'm switching back in forth, I have to change where I move the mouse to get to the same thing, which slows things down and confuses me a bit.
I think there should be an option to "stick" a window in a certain place, so that when I go into the view, I know exactly where I should look to find a specific application that I want to switch to.

Also, the text underneath it is way too small. You need to increase this by at least a three-fold.

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