Zoom in DexControl

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Zoom in DexControl

Postby pkraft1 » 04.03.2013 03:13:16

Hi everyone,

I think it'd be really cool to be able to set the zoom percentage to less than 100%. I use Dexcontrol as a task switcher, among other things, and the ability to set the zoom level would greatly improve its functionality in the way I'm using it. The main issue is that when I hit spacebar to zoom in on a full screen application, it block out everything, so I can't see anything else. I have Dexcontrol set with ahk to automatically switch to the 3 small desktops on the side with one desktop enlarged viewing mode. I'd like Dexcontrol to be able to automatically zoom into the active application but still have the other apps visible for selection. I really just want the windows to zoom in about 20% more than their default views in dexpot when they are selected. I'm not sure how feasible this is-you could check out switcher, which allows a similar functionality.

Additionally, the ability to increase the font size of the window labels in dexcontrol would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps having the labels overlaid onto the window would maximize screen real estate as well.


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