Allow edges in 'Mouse Events', not just corners.

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Joined: 18.12.2013 13:13:29

Allow edges in 'Mouse Events', not just corners.

Postby bexxx » 18.12.2013 14:33:58

In KDE4 I'm used to bouncing the left edge to open 'Windows Catalog'. I hate having to go for a corner, its just slower.

And FWIW some other ideas for 'Windows Catalog'.... See Switcher here:

The idea each window having a number, or at least the first 10 windows. You can then hit 'alt-tab' (or whatever hotkey), have 'Windows Catalog' pop open and then hit '4' to switch to that window.

Even better would be hitting 'alt-tab' the default window highlighted would be last active window, so 'alt-tab, enter' would let you flip back and forth between windows, 'alt-tab, 5' would let you switch to a specific Window. Only once mouse is moved does the selected window follow what is under cursor.

And even better again would be when 'Windows Catalog' is open if you start to type (non numerals) it starts to search/filter the windows based on their titles. So 'alt-tab, c, h, r, o, m, enter' would filter it down to just showing Chrome windows (default selected window is the last active window until it is filtered and then selected window switches to window '0') and then enter selects. Or if you had two Chrome windows and wanted the second you'd hit 2 instead of enter.

Oh and the current way 'Windows Catalog' sorts windows by title should be an option, they should also be able to be arranged by their position. It is a bit annoying when you get have two windows opened on your screen, one on the left and one on the right, then you open 'Windows Catalog' and they're reversed due to title sorting. Also the grid view is not always better than the Expose style view, aka the more relative size, non-grid style view.

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