Exclude App from Window catalog

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Tokyo Boy
Posts: 4
Joined: 02.12.2014 23:59:07

Exclude App from Window catalog

Postby Tokyo Boy » 03.12.2014 00:06:56

Assigning certain applications on every desktop is very usable, however those assigned applications are annoying because they will appear multiply on Window catalog.
For my instance, I assign AIMP3 on every desktop, but I don't want to see this on Window catalog because I can call this whenever I want from my hotkey.
That's why I want the Dexpot setting to exclude certain application that users do not want to see that on the preview.
I searched through the forum about this exclusion, however all I could find was only about monitor exclusion.

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Re: Exclude App from Window catalog

Postby Patrick » 03.12.2014 23:52:10


If the application is supposed to be visible on all desktops anyway, you can exclude it by setting it to "ignore" in the mywechsel.ini: [FAQ] What is the mywechsel.ini file capable of?

Let me know if you need any more help with this.

Tokyo Boy
Posts: 4
Joined: 02.12.2014 23:59:07

Re: Exclude App from Window catalog

Postby Tokyo Boy » 05.12.2014 03:39:18

Thanks a lot.
By creating mywechsel.ini and scripting as below, I was successfully able to excluding the app from lists of any previews in Dexpot.


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