Disable Dexpot Switching/Moving/Cloning when a given applica

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Disable Dexpot Switching/Moving/Cloning when a given applica

Postby Aquaricat » 28.02.2011 23:24:04

One thing that'd be really nice is if there were some way to create a rule that says, "When x application is active, ignore desktop switching/moving/cloning shortcuts."

As an example - say you're playing World of Warcraft. While moving about, you hold down, say, the alt button in preparation for a special action, and then you turn left while still holding alt. Suddenly you're looking at a blank desktop with no idea what's just happened.

Obviously, I could alter my shortcut, or shut Dexpot off when playing, but it'd be better if Dexpot were intelligent enough to just ignore the combination when WoW is the active application.


Re: Disable Dexpot Switching/Moving/Cloning when a given app

Postby zara2stra » 27.01.2013 03:06:46

+1! I too would very much love this.

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