Since Upgrading to Windows 10 Fall Creator Update, Taskbar Icons Are Put in Random Order When Changing Desktop

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Since Upgrading to Windows 10 Fall Creator Update, Taskbar Icons Are Put in Random Order When Changing Desktop

Postby Yann » 28.12.2017 17:27:29


I have searched Google and read posts on this forum (here and here, for example) but without finding a solution to my problem.

I used to use Dexpot with Windows 7 and then Windows 10 and everything worked as expected. Since upgrading to the Fall Creator Update, whenever I change between desktops, the icons (program icons+names) in the taskbar are put in random order...

What am I missing?

PS. I made sure the debug option is unchecked...

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Joined: 10.02.2018 12:19:23

Re: Since Upgrading to Windows 10 Fall Creator Update, Taskbar Icons Are Put in Random Order When Changing Desktop

Postby garryjoshi » 10.02.2018 12:22:13

Have you been able to fix it Yann? I've been encountering this same issue with the taskbar icons lately after the update.

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Joined: 10.02.2018 12:19:23

Re: Since Upgrading to Windows 10 Fall Creator Update, Taskbar Icons Are Put in Random Order When Changing Desktop

Postby garryjoshi » 16.02.2018 09:51:44

No response?? Please help my desktop is messed up. Do I need to downgrade to Win 10 from Fall Creators update or what any solution?

Garry Joshi

Posts: 3
Joined: 05.10.2015 03:06:25

Re: Since Upgrading to Windows 10 Fall Creator Update, Taskbar Icons Are Put in Random Order When Changing Desktop

Postby Pepanee » 28.07.2018 05:23:16

Yes. I have been encountering this too.

Example: I have 2 Desktops (open in Dexpot).
On Desktop #1: I have Google Chrome open and Winamp opened. Google Chrome is listed as the first program in the Taskbar, and Winamp is to it's right. Suppose I switch to Desktop #2, then back to Desktop #1, those two get reversed (Winamp is now listed first, and Chrome to its right). So I switch them back to how they were, go to Desktop #2 then back to Desktop #1. I notice that they go back to that flipped-around order.

Note: I noticed that there's a certain fixed location for all open programs.
Example: Suppose I got programs a, b, c, d, e open in Desktop #1, go to Desktop #2, then back to Desktop #1, they get re-arranged to:
b, d, a, e, c
Then I re-arrange them to ANY random order that I want, go to Desktop #2, then back to Desktop #1, they will get re-arranged to that fixed-random layout (just like above).
b, d, a, e, c

It's weird.

Maybe a small update to this program to fix that would be so awesome =)

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