suggestion on virtual desktop switching

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Post by Anthony » 05.09.2006 01:10:42

Hi Gobo,

Thank you for the precisions.

Post by Gobo » 31.08.2006 09:10:35

Hi Anthony,

thanks for the flowers :D

I, too, enjoy the many advantages of Mac OS X at home, though I do not use VirtueDesktop. I only had a look at it, once.
Concerning the animations you mention, you have to know that while in Tiger, the entire user interface is realized in OpenGL, which makes window and effects rendering quite effective, this is not the case in current Windws versions. Sophisticated animations are a foreign to Windows; I had a look at some tools that added animations to windows, and all of them used much more resources than the effect was worth. Most "animations" turned out to be slideshows.

The bottom line is: With Vista, it might be possible to add eye candy like this in the future, at the moment, we don't have it on our radar.

suggestion on virtual desktop switching

Post by Anthony » 31.08.2006 08:17:19


First, i would like to congratulate you for your work !

I work with a Mac OS X and use VirtueDesktop (an equivalent to your sofware for Mac) and i find their animations (the cube for instance) really cool, so i would like to know if it is possible to add some animations when you switch between desktop ?
