dexpot conflict with directory opus

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dexpot conflict with directory opus

Postby Histtin » 29.12.2006 00:17:56

I use directory opus as my explorer on Windows XP. After exiting dexpot, the directory opus application does not work. When I open a folder in explorer (directory opus), i see the directory opus icon flash in the tray and then disappear and exit. Any suggestions? I really want to use Dexpot, but not at the expense of another program.

Posts: 19
Joined: 28.04.2017 16:43:06

Re: dexpot conflict with directory opus

Postby CerebralFreeze » 13.06.2017 04:32:10


Did you get it to work? I was interested in getting Opus as well. Can you share what you learned?

If you didn't get an answer, maybe emailing Sebastion directly. He encouraged us to do that.

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