Apps runned as an Administrator

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Posts: 2
Joined: 28.10.2019 11:27:18

Apps runned as an Administrator

Postby Trellis » 28.10.2019 11:43:00


In Windows 10 Home I need to start some apps by checking, on Compatibilty tab of their exe properties, the option "Run This Program As An Administrator".
These apps' windows are kept full screen or at their normal size on every virtual desktop I switch on unless they are minimized before switching.
Is there a workaround bypassing this issue so these apps don't stay on every virtual desktop I switch on? Maybe I'm missing some option on Dexpot settings, I don't know.

Thank you

Posts: 2
Joined: 28.10.2019 11:27:18

Re: Apps runned as an Administrator

Postby Trellis » 30.10.2019 09:21:45

I just checked the Faq on this forum.

"A security mechanism prevents user level processes from manipulating windows belonging to processes running with administrator permissions. Hence, these windows will show up on all virtual desktops, if Dexpot isn't running with elevated permissions itself.

Enable 'Settings > General > Start > Run as administrator'."

This solved the problem.

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