Win 11 support?

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Win 11 support?

Postby llinfeng » 09.07.2021 15:25:01

Will Dexpot run well on Windows 11? A quick comment suffices. Thx!

Posts: 5
Joined: 26.02.2021 11:41:39

Re: Win 11 support?

Postby hisbvdis » 24.07.2021 17:39:24

Even for Windows 10, the problems are not fixed.

Apparently, nothing will be done for Windows 11 at all.

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Joined: 30.01.2014 19:35:09

Re: Win 11 support?

Postby jdop » 23.09.2021 07:41:00

I have used Dexpot for a very long time, and under Windows 10 with very few if any major issues.

Hoping it still works under 11, no reason really why it shouldn't , though there are no guarantees.

PS I use power hungry apps with dozens of open windows. Switch all day between desktops . THREE monitors. So saying it doesnt work under Win 10 is not quite fair


Re: Win 11 support?

Postby CloudLion_ca » 25.09.2021 10:54:24

Salutations Dexpot,

I'm curious if there will be any review of your software under Windows 11?

I've just tried out Windows 11 after being told that Windows 11 had incorporated customizable virtual desktops. Clearly the individual who informed me of this "remarkable new" feature in Windows 11 has never used Linux/Unix or your product. I have used your product in the past. I ran into some issues relating to multiple monitors. I can't remember the details. Generally I try to do serious work in Linux.

Can we expect an updated version of your product that has been recompiled and packaged specifically for Windows 11/10?

Thank you, best regards, and stay safe

aka. CloudLion_ca


Re: Win 11 support?

Postby tim_freedom » 01.03.2022 10:59:37

Well, if the software is _not_ going to be updated, why not release its source code under your favorite open source license ? This would guarantee that someone will, in due course, take ownership of it, adopt it and start developing it further moving forward.

Thoughts/Ideas ?


Re: Win 11 support?

Postby miked » 22.03.2022 22:06:30

I have been running Dexpot on Win10 for a few years, and Win11 for about 6 months. No issues to report and it works very well.

Posts: 8
Joined: 27.01.2018 17:10:24

Re: Win 11 support?

Postby llinfeng » 29.03.2022 21:17:30

@miked, thanks for confirming that Dexpot runs well with Win 11.

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