I can't put a check in the dexcube check box

Post any technical problems or questions you have while using or configuring Dexpot.
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Joined: 08.10.2011 19:59:23

I can't put a check in the dexcube check box

Postby BraFromZA » 08.10.2011 20:09:53

Hello to the Dexpot support team.

Since I last updated to the latest stable version of this awesome piece of freeware I cannot place a check mark in the Dexcube box. Any idea what the problem is that I may fix myself or will there be a public fix anytime soon?

Windows 7 Home Premium

Thanks for a wonderful program and keep up the good work.


Posts: 1
Joined: 01.04.2012 18:31:18

Re: I can't put a check in the dexcube check box

Postby burkman » 01.04.2012 19:02:50

Same here!

Using Dexpot 1.5.16 1853

Windows 7 Home premium.

From the other thread:

I just installed Dexpot, and I'm having a similar issue.

When I first installed the program, I was able to select Dexcube. It worked fine. After rebooting, Dexcube was not selected. If I try to select it, the Apply button becomes no longer grayed-out, but the tick box remains unticked.

Starting Dexpot from my ProgramFiles (x86) folder does nothing, unlike the previous poster's experience.

Log file says:

Code: Select all

12:28:38> Verschiebe Fenster 131146 indirekt von Desktop 3 auf Desktop 1
12:28:38> Entferne Fenster 131146 von Desktop 3.
12:28:38> Kopiere Fenster 131146 auf Desktop 1.
12:28:38> Verschiebe Fenster 131146 indirekt von Desktop 3 auf Desktop 1
12:28:38> Entferne Fenster 131146 von Desktop 3.
12:28:38> Kopiere Fenster 131146 auf Desktop 1.
12:28:38> Verschiebe Fenster 131136 indirekt von Desktop 3 auf Desktop 1
12:28:38> Entferne Fenster 131136 von Desktop 3.
12:28:38> Kopiere Fenster 131136 auf Desktop 1.
12:28:38> <<< Dexpot beendet. <<<
12:28:38> frmTaskleiste entladen.
12:29:12> Starte Dexpot...
12:29:12> ElevationType 3
12:29:12> Letztes geladenes Profil:
12:29:12> Lade Hauptmenü...
12:29:12> >>> Dexpot 1.5.16 Build 1853 gestartet.
12:29:12> Windowsversion: NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
12:29:12> 22 Sprachen geladen.
12:29:12> Lade WechselAusnahmen aus C:\Program Files (x86)\Dexpot\wechsel.ini.
12:29:12> Lade Sprache für frmTaskleiste.
12:29:12> Speichere Profil C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\Dexpot\profile\Standard.dxp.
12:29:12> Warte auf Dexpot64...
12:29:12> Dexpot64 gestartet.
12:29:12> ElevationType 3
12:29:12> hooxpot geladen.
12:29:12> Registriere Hotkeys.
12:29:12> Dexpot64 Message Window geöffnet.
12:29:12> 0 Regeln geladen, davon 0 aktiviert.
12:29:12> Regelüberprüfung abgeschlossen, 0 Regeln erfüllt.
12:29:12> Aktualisiere Desktop.
12:29:12> Verstecke Fenster Dexpot (526096)
12:29:12> Automatischer Neustart folgender Plugins:
12:29:17> Lade Sprache für frmEinstellungen.
12:29:17> Windowsversion: NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
12:29:22> Schautostarte: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dexpot\plugins\Dexcube.exe |
12:29:23> Schautostarte: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dexpot\plugins\Dexcube.exe |
12:29:23> Schautostarte: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dexpot\plugins\Dexcube.exe |
12:29:25> Lösche Hotkeys.
12:29:25> Registriere Hotkeys.

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