Bad performance with Full Screen Preview?

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Joined: 18.10.2013 22:17:05

Bad performance with Full Screen Preview?

Postby BrainSlugs83 » 18.10.2013 22:40:31


I really like the full-screen preview option, but, and especially when I first launch it -- the initial "zoom out" animation can be skipped or choppy.

Usually the zoom-back-in animation is good, but the initial zoom out one, more than half the time is completely skipped.

(I'm on a Quad Core - i7 [HT is enabled] @ 2.2 GHz, NVidia Quadro 1000M, 16 GB RAM, and a decent 230 GB SSD. So, the computer is capable...)

If it's just a matter of it needing to catch up -- and frame skipping, so that the animation was missed -- that's fine -- but is there a way to configure in a delay? (I wouldn't mind waiting an extra half or even full second to see the zoom out effect every time.)

I've set process priority to high and that seems to improve the issue, but it's still present.


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