What is the mywechsel.ini file capable of?

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What is the mywechsel.ini file capable of?

Postby Gobo » 26.10.2008 19:52:00


The mywechsel.ini configuration file allows you to change the way certain windows are handled when switching desktops. It is located in the Dexpot installation folder (usually 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Dexpot'). If it does not exist, create it as an empty text file. If you don't have write access to the Dexpot installation folder, you can also create the file in the Dexpot application data folder.

Do not modify the file wechsel.ini! Your changes will be lost when you update Dexpot.

wechselini_explorer.png (113.47 KiB) Viewed 27641 times

Open your mywechsel.ini.

wechselini.png (68.77 KiB) Viewed 27641 times

The file is divided into sections for window classes, executable names and window titles.

The Klasse section defines exceptions based on window class.
Example: RocketDock must be visible on all desktops:

Code: Select all


The Exe section defines exceptions based on executable name.
Example: Notepad must be visible on all desktops:

Code: Select all


The Titel section defines exceptions based on window title.
Example: Dexpot website must be visible on all desktops:

Code: Select all

Dexpot | Virtual desktops for Windows=sticky

There are 9 commands you can use:

sticky keeps the window visible on all desktops.

ignore keeps the window visible on all desktops and also removes it from Dexpot components like Desktop Preview, DexTab, etc.

move moves the window off-screen during desktop switch instead of hiding it. Use this e.g. for applications that copy themselves to other desktops.

keepbutton leaves the taskbar button of the window visible on all desktops.

normal removes all previously defined exceptions for the window.

dontmove prevents the window from ever being moved off-screen during a desktop switch.

close closes the specified window when switching desktops.

hide permanently hides the specified window when switching desktops.

Only for window classes:
autorule remembers for all windows of a class which desktop they were last on and automatically restores them to that desktop when they are reopened after being closed.

In addition, applying the commands above can be limited to a particular Windows version:

xp: Windows XP
vista: Windows Vista
7: Windows 7


Code: Select all


Windows Vista and 7 sidebar and gadgets
The sidebar and gadgets are shown on all desktops.

Solution: Delete the following lines from the wechsel.ini file and save the changes. Restart Dexpot (in some cases it is necessary to restart Windows or log off and on again):

Code: Select all


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