Additional mouse modifiers

Here you may post suggestions for improving and extending Dexpot.

Additional mouse modifiers

Postby JustPete » 30.01.2007 16:21:50

First let me say you have created a GREAT product! Excellent job. The features, ease of use and speed are very impressive.

One feature that would make it even better for me is to add the mouse wheel
and mouse clicks as modifiers for hot-keys. I prefer to use the mouse OR the keyboard but it is often cumbersome to use both.

For example, it would be great if a right-click combined with a left-click on the title bar would roll/unroll a window. Another example is to right-click and scroll the wheel to adjust the transparency of a window.




Postby Nitro » 12.05.2007 20:37:04

Would be also great to add an option making impossible to switch desktop using the mouse if one of the mouse buttons is clicked. Also be great, if we are curently draging a window and going to the edge of the screen, the window would switch to the other desktop.


New feature request: Additional mouse modifiers

Postby Ceriouz » 14.09.2007 21:53:20

Again, Great program here! but as mentioned, scroll gestures would be the extra icing on the cake.. You never use the scroll wheel on the desktop so why not switch desktops with it?! No combos clicks or keystrokes needed..

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Joined: 01.10.2010 15:14:17

Re: Additional mouse modifiers

Postby Acegi » 10.05.2011 20:25:45

Just want to add that being able to use scrolling would be a really nice feature. In particular scrolling to increase/decrease window transparency. Alternatively using the Mouse's forward and backward buttons to change transparency over the window titlebar would also work if scrolling causes too many problems.

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