Organize desktop icons into groups

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Organize desktop icons into groups

Postby 99lives » 10.06.2013 03:59:02

A program called Fences by Stardock (You may have heard of it), organizes desktop icon into groups, but it doesn't work well with Dexpot: the same groups appear on all desktops. I was hoping that Dexpot could implement a similar feature, natively (or perhaps as a plugin). It doesn't have to be nearly as powerful as Fences, but at least allow you to organize icons into groups, per desktop. Thanks.

Posts: 4
Joined: 03.11.2013 16:36:11

Re: Organize desktop icons into groups

Postby RabidSnail » 03.11.2013 21:04:54

I am trying to make the two play nicely together. Its proving difficult, but I dont see why I wouldnt be able to create multiple "desktop Pages" in fences 2, and just have the pages switch when changing desktops. I believe this could be done through the start up parameter of Dexpot. It would be nice if it Dexpot had all the features I use for fences built in, But Im trying to do the best with that is available. :-/

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