Automatically change wallpaper on each desktop

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Automatically change wallpaper on each desktop

Postby Guest » 07.10.2005 10:57:52


First up I must congratulate the developers for making such a vital tool. Dexpot is a gazillion times better than the XP Power Toy for multiple desktops.

However there is one thing I am missing from my earlier setup. I used to use a wallpaper changer at to switch randomly between my collection of photographs for my wallpaper. Unfortunately the program however does not work with dexpot.

Is there a way in dexpot to make each desktop switch wallpapers from a given pool randomly? If so how do I enable it? If not can the developers include it at some later time?


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Postby KaeYoss » 26.10.2006 20:29:30

I have written a program for that (actually, I once wrote a program that does it in Windows, and I just changed it so it works with Dexpot).

It's quite primitive (and I worked about 15 minutes on the conversion, so what would one expect), but it does work.

Let me ask you: Are you using the German version, or something else? If you use another version, are the wallpaper files still called "Hintergrund x.bmp" (like Hintergrund 1.bmp for the first wallpaper). If not, I'd have to change that, as right now, the Hintergrund is hard-coded.

I can give you the source code as well, if you want. It's written in VB2005 Express, updated from an old VB 6 project.

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Postby KaeYoss » 26.10.2006 20:31:58

Whoopsie. I see this topic is pretty old. Still, if anyone is interested (and no one has anything more sophisticated), I'll gladly provide you with my programme.

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Postby Nebel » 26.10.2006 22:32:05

Hi KaeYoss :dex:
KaeYoss wrote:Whoopsie. I see this topic is pretty old. Still, if anyone is interested (and no one has anything more sophisticated), I'll gladly provide you with my programme.

Of course I'm very interested! Does your programm work standalone?

Let me ask you: Are you using the German version, or something else? If you use another version, are the wallpaper files still called "Hintergrund x.bmp" (like Hintergrund 1.bmp for the first wallpaper). If not, I'd have to change that, as right now, the Hintergrund is hard-coded.

Thw wallpaper files still called "Hintergrund xn.bmp" with other languages. "x" is the name of the saved profile and "n" the number for the specific desktop. Rember, that if you save your profile with another name and then change some wallpaper there may be more than one wallpaper with the same number "n" in your folder.

I would be glad if you could let me test your programm.
Schöne Grüße

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Joined: 26.10.2006 20:24:36

Postby KaeYoss » 27.10.2006 18:19:25

Go get it, then

It should run on its own. If not, you'll need the .net Framework or something, but I guess this will work without any extra installs.

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