Assign Application to a Space

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Assign Application to a Space

Postby MadMaxx » 13.04.2011 10:12:07

Is there any way to assign a specific application to a space. In other words, if you have 4 spaces, can you assign Outlook to always open in space 1 and Firefox in Space 2 etc?

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Re: Assign Application to a Space

Postby Patrick » 14.04.2011 13:22:01


Check out the "Desktop Rules". Use the assistant. The conditions for the applications you mentioned as examples should be in the rules database. Add a "Move" action for the desktop you want to assign the application to.

Let us know if you need any further help with this.

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Joined: 31.07.2011 18:12:52

Re: Assign Application to a Space

Postby erinev » 31.07.2011 18:16:39

Is there a way to do this so it doesn't open a new window when it switches to that desktop? IE if Outlook is assigned to Desktop 1 and is currently open, and I click on the outlook icon when I'm in Desktop 2, it moves to desktop 1 but opens a new Outlook window. Instead, can it just move to the existing Outlook window that's already open?

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