can´t see Spotify anywhere, or change language

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can´t see Spotify anywhere, or change language

Postby pixelslasher » 17.05.2017 17:16:32

I have problems. I installed Dexpot and used four desktops first and made Spotify link to one of these. (when opening Spotify it changed to a certain desktop). I got tired of using Dexpot so I unistalled it. Now, when launching Spotify, it seems to look for that desktop that now is gone. It briefly flashes by over the screen, but I can´t see it. It´s like the settings I made still are used? Why didn´t those settings got removed when I decided to unistall the software??
I thought it would help to reinstall it again, but, how can I fix this without having the pleasure of reinstalling Windows? :x
I have tried reinstalling Spotify, but that didnt help.

And why is it that the language is in German all of a sudden? And further, how come there are no languages to change to even?
Below Einstellungen:Allgemein --> International-Sprache ...the menu is blank (without any language to choose from) :(

I wish I hadn´t tried this software. If someone have any clue what to do, I would appreciate it!

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