Send to Bottom; Always on Bottom; kbd shortcuts

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Posts: 2
Joined: 21.08.2010 21:25:53

Send to Bottom; Always on Bottom; kbd shortcuts

Postby RLee » 21.08.2010 21:42:56

3 related feature requests:

  • a "Send to bottom" (move on z axis below all the others) command for a window
  • a "Always on bottom" setting (opposite of "Always on top")
  • these would presumably be on the Dexpot submenu for a window; it would help if you could also assign keyboard shortcuts to them, as well as to other submenu commands like "Roll up" and "Maximize vertically"

Thanks for considering these. I've tried several Virtual Desktop tools and found Dexpot the clear winner for my needs, especially with Windows 7 / dexcube / sevendex.

Posts: 2
Joined: 21.08.2010 21:25:53

Re: Send to Bottom; Always on Bottom; kbd shortcuts

Postby RLee » 21.08.2010 22:31:56

Followup on the 3rd feature: I've discovered the way to define mouse click behavior on the title bar, so now middle click does the Maximize vertically. However, this has no effect on Explorer windows, and just makes a hash of the ribbon in Office. (This is with Windows 7 and Office 2010).

Eric D

Re: Send to Bottom

Postby Eric D » 04.10.2010 20:32:53


This is a second request for the addition of "lower window" ("Send to Bottom" / opposite of "raise window") functionality. I can't live without it.

Pre-Windows 7, I got this functionality via a little utility called WinShade, but WinShade doesn't work under Windows 7.

If I had "lower window" functionality, I'd bind it to right-click in a window's titlebar (once I figured out how to bind functions to mouse buttons in Dexpot). I'd like "lower window" to also appear in the Dexpot menu, near "Roll up".

Thank you for considering this. Dexpot helps make Windows 7 significantly more bearable for me.
Eric D


Re: Send to Bottom; Always on Bottom; kbd shortcuts

Postby Dan3609 » 16.04.2015 21:07:11

Is there anyway to make to the window layer always bottom in dexpot?
Old request but, I need this ^.

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