App disappears from all Dexpot desktops but process remains in Task Manager.

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App disappears from all Dexpot desktops but process remains in Task Manager.

Postby fyiwriter » 07.11.2017 08:39:10

I have a problem that happens from once every week or two, to a few times a week. Usually no more than once per day but occasionally twice, and rarely more than twice in a day.

I'll have FireFox open on (for example) desktop 5, and I'll switch to desktop 1 for a while. When I come back to desktop 5, FireFox window is no longer there (not as Minimized or Restored or Maximized).

But if I open Windows Task Manager, I can see the FireFox process running.

I am not able (I don't know how) to reactivate FireFox...
From Task Manager, I can't do FIreFox -> "Switch To" because FireFox is no longer showing up on the Applications page, so I can't select FireFox and click "Switch To".

If I do "Alt -> Tab" to cycle through running apps, "FireFox" is not among the apps shown.

It doesn't seem to matter how long I am on desktop 1. It could be a few minutes, to a few hours before switching back to desktop 5.

The only choice I can see is to "Kill" the FireFox process and restart FireFox. If I had a page opened where I was typing/filling in a form, that will all be lost.

I have no way to know if Dexpot is related tho the disappearing FireFox, but it seems possible. I would be glad to run any tests and report back.

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Joined: 30.04.2018 17:45:58

Re: App disappears from all Dexpot desktops but process remains in Task Manager.

Postby davidtg » 30.04.2018 18:36:12

Hi, all --

I have had the same problem for a long time, and very mostly with FireFox. It seems to happen to me most when I switch desktops when FFox is busy, as though it comes back from processing to display itself and homeless. The only fix I've found is to kill FFox and restart, at which point all of my missing windows come back *sigh* I'd sure love to see a fix, too!

David T-G

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