Change Transparency Values for Inactive windows after 30 sec

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Change Transparency Values for Inactive windows after 30 sec

Postby arangari » 13.06.2014 12:27:38

I am very new user of dexpot. i like the transparency feature as well as roll-up feature here.

I want the transparency for windows being changed if the window is not active for say 30 sec. If one can track the mouse-focus, then only if mouse is on a window for 5 sec, windows should be non-transparent. it should be non-transparent when title bar is clicked , or unminimzied/restored .

is there any plugin for the same?


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Re: Change Transparency Values for Inactive windows after 30

Postby Patrick » 17.06.2014 15:34:17


No, there's no such plugin. It also doesn't have anything to do with virtual desktops, so you could try a third party tool:

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